Coca-Cola teams up with Holiland for futuristic AI chocolate

What does the future taste like? Popping candy and Coke-flavoured truffle chocolate, according to Coca-Cola and Holiland.   

In their latest collaboration, the two brands bring out a new flavour of Holiland’s popular ‘Dandelion Air Chocolate’ truffle, this time co-created with AI and named Y3000. On Weibo, China’s Twitter-like microblogging platform, ‘#可口可乐 好利来#‘ (#Cocacola Holiland) gained 27 million views, peaking at number 6 on the hot search list.  

This collaboration comes after the release of Coca-Cola’s Y3000 Zero Sugar Coke, an AI co-created soda of the future. The campaign included an AIGC tool developed by Xiaodu, Baidu’s AI arm, that turns user-uploaded images into AI visions of the future year 3000. Coca-Cola also crossed over with fashion designer Yoon Ahn’s brand Ambush with a capsule collection of garments and accessories.  

The Y3000 Coke is part of Coca-Cola Creation, a ‘global innovation platform’ targeting a younger audience. Projects from this platform include a recent collaboration with popular multiplayer online battle arena video game League of Legends, which saw the release of an exclusive Coke Zero flavour in two limited-edition packaging themes.

This is also not the first time Coca-Cola has dabbled in AI. Earlier this year, Coca-Cola collaborated with Chinese smartphone maker OPPO to release an AI assistant with virtual firework displays and family portrait functions for Chinese New Year. 

Holiland, on the other hand, has been on a streak of crossovers including Hello Kitty and Rick & Morty. Now that AI is playing a bigger role in China’s digital economy, this co-branded chocolate feels like a natural next step for both parties.  


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