Xiaohongshu taps into outdoor fall trends with “Go Wild Festival”

On October 19, popular Chinese social commerce platform Xiaohongshu unveiled its second annual “Go Wild Festival”.

Teaming up with notable outdoor media entities including “Outdoor Adventure” and “Hiking in China”, they introduced the “2023 Outdoor Living Trend Report” and a brand-focused TV commercial. The online platform also joined forces with a plethora of outdoor brands to orchestrate a sequence of offline events just in time for autumn.

The festival’s main advertisement, themed “Nature’s Entrance, Life’s Exit”, embarks on a journey through the lens of notable figures from various walks of life. The campaign touches upon a wide range of outdoor scenarios, such as hiking, fishing, rock climbing, and cycling, with celebrities like Zhong Hanliang, Wang Mian, Chen Yihan, and Cheng Lei lending their personal experiences. The overarching message reinforces the idea that nature holds a unique essence for each individual, and it is only by immersing oneself in it that they can unearth its true significance.

Diving deeper into the numbers, Xiaohongshu’s recent data showcases a remarkable uptick in outdoor enthusiasts. From January to October 2023, there has been a surge of over 100% in daily active users partaking in outdoor activities. These figures are further substantiated by nearly 7 million posts related to hiking, cycling, camping, and other outdoor ventures published on the platform during the same timeframe.

As the boundaries between the digital and physical worlds blur, Xiaohongshu appears to be paving the way for a harmonious blend of the two. The launch of the “Go Wild Festival” not only aligns with the platform’s ethos but also magnifies the burgeoning interest in outdoor activities among today’s youth. For businesses, this move underscores the immense potential that lies in tapping into this niche, especially as it melds with the digital realm. Brands that can synchronise their online strategies with outdoor-centric themes may find a goldmine of opportunities awaiting them in this rapidly evolving landscape.


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