One of the top marketing awards in China, the Ling Mo Award, was held in Beijing on November 26. “Treasure China” 宝藏中国, an app developed by Baidu to promote cultural content in China, won the first prize for the “Creative Cases of Live Content Award”. The theme of this year’s award was evolution.
Treasure China picked up the award due to its use of live broadcast in promoting the understanding of Chinese history and culture. Users are able to discover the beauty of Chinese regional areas and cities, such as Shanghai, Xian and Shenzhen, through the apps. The livestreams introduce the local foods, landscape, culture and history of the regions that they explore.

This form of cultural livestreaming differs from e-commerce livestreaming’s “yelling live” delivery where streamers speak loud and at a rapid pace in order to promote products. Instead, Treasure China offers users a calmer delivery and an immersive viewing experience. Throughout the stream, there are commercial opportunities for brands to promote related products.
Treasure China has recommended 373 products to its users with around 32.5 million audience members watching 102 hours of livestreaming.
Read more about cultural livestreaming:
- V&A Museum livestreams to a Chinese audience via Kuaishou
- Forbidden City’s digital experiences attract a new generation