NVIDIA and Tencent Cloud launch cloud-based AR/VR solutions

AI computing company Nvidia has announced that it will jointly launch cloud-based AR/VR solutions with Tencent Cloud. Nvidia’s Cloud XR platform will support Tencent Cloud to help users stream XR content remotely to VR and AR devices.

This will allow any terminal device to be used as a high-definition XR display and can display images of the highest quality through Tencent Cloud’s cloud Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) technology. The collaboration will enable professionals to access AR/VR content from any location without restrictions from workstations or external VR systems.

Nvidia made the announcement at its GTC Asia conference yesterday (December 14). This is part of its international series of GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) Technology Conference events focusing on the latest technological research related to GPU computing in scientific, academic and commercial fields.

Read more: China accounts for 55% of world’s AR/VR market


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