China’s online users spend average of 4.9 hours on leisure activities

The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Institute of Finance and Economics, the Tourism Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the Social Sciences Literature Press jointly released their “Leisure Green Paper: China’s Leisure Development Report 2019-2020” yesterday (December 9). We’ve picked out some of the key findings:

  • The average time spent on online leisure activities during the last year was 4.9 hours.
  • Of which 27.3% spent 1-3 hours online, 25.6% were online for 3-5 hours and 16.2% for 5-8 hours.
  • The older generation (post-60s, 70s and 80s) spent less time online and dominated the 1-3 hours category, while post 90s were the largest demographic in the 3-5 hours group and post 00s (or Gen-Z) populated 5-8 hours.
  • The average annual consumption on leisure nationally was 5647 RMB.

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