JD.com releases 12 major AI hardware categories ahead of 618 shopping festival

The JD.com 618 shopping festival will commence on 31 May at 8pm. On 30 May, JD.com officially announced the release of 12 AI hardware categories, including AI computers, mobile phones, headphones, cameras, learning machines, keypads, watches, routers, glasses, door locks, cameras, and speakers. This launch, in collaboration with 3C digital brands such as Lenovo China, Xiaomi, Qualcomm, and Intel, introduces a series of preferential policies and a comprehensive upgrade to the service experience. Initiatives include trade-in subsidies and free trials for certain AI products, aiming to encourage over 3 million users to upgrade to new AI products during the 618 period.

By introducing these 12 categories, JD.com aims to help consumers clearly identify AI hardware classifications, facilitating more informed purchasing decisions. This strategy also provides guidance for brands and markets to expand and enhance their AI-oriented hardware offerings. In the first half of 2024, JD.com’s vigorous promotion led to rapid growth in these categories. Data from JD.com indicates that the search volume for AI hardware-related terms has increased nearly twelvefold year-on-year, with overall sales of JD.com AI hardware equipment up by more than 200% year-on-year.

In March this year, JD.com partnered with 3C digital brands such as Lenovo, Xiaomi, and OPPO to accelerate the implementation of the ‘AI Accelerated Refresh Plan,’ promoting the widespread adoption and application of AI hardware in personal and household contexts. Additionally, JD.com is establishing AI full-scene ecological pathways through the ‘AIGC Mango Seed Plan’ and creating a shopping guide position called the ‘AI Equipment Hall,’ allowing users to experience AI products in a one-stop-shop on JD.com.

At a traffic distribution level, JD.com plans to invest 300 million in flow to support the development of AI categories. At a product shopping level, JD.com will implement initiatives such as category paving in the search field to ensure the long-term nurturing of AI categories, making it easier for users to find their favourite AI products.

Following the appearance of Liu Qiangdong’s digital human in a livestreamduring the 618 period, 18 CEOs from different AI digital humans brands will serve as ‘JD.com 618 Welfare Officers’ and participate in livestreams. Additionally, thousands of digital humans will be ‘on duty’ during JD.com’s livestreaming, capable of achieving efficient broadcasts within two hours. This AI digital human live technology will also be freely available to merchants, helping them conduct broadcasts at lower costs.


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