Exports of China’s snail soup noodles soar in July

Everybody wants to get their hands on snail soup noodles!

Yes, you heard that right!

The exports of Luosifen (snail soup noodles) saw rapid growth in July to a total value of 7.85 million RMB (about $1.1 million), which surpassed the total value for the first six months of 2020 (7.5 million RMB). The demand for exports is coming from European countries, Australia and America.

Luosifen 螺蛳粉 is a delicacy from the southern Chinese city of Liuzhou known for its pungent smell. The dish is made of rice noodles and various ingredients including bamboo shoots, Guda ears (a type of mushrooms), fried peanuts, tofu, huanghuacai (Hemerocallis Citrina), fresh salad and river snails, and is accompanied with a sour-spicy sauce.

The annual output value of Luosifen and related products within the industry (stewed river snails and pork bones with black cardamom, fennel seed, dried tangerine peel, cassia bark, cloves, white pepper, bay leaf, liquorice root, sand ginger, and star anise), are expected to exceed 10 billion RMB by the end of the year.


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