McDonald’s Big V Car becomes a star on the streets this summer

At the end of June, McDonald’s China launched a new chicken product, the “Thin Skin Caramelised V-wing,” which is celebrated for its thin skin and caramelised flavour. To promote this new product, McDonald’s created the “Big V Car”(麦麦大V车), which will tour six major cities in China between 26 June and 21 July, distributing real-time gifts and benefits.

On social media platforms such as Weibo (China’s Twitter equivalent) and Xiaohongshu (RED), many netizens shared their encounters with the “Big V Car” and the accompanying gifts they received. The hashtag #McDonald’s Thin Skin Caramelised V-Wings# amassed 9.06 million views on Weibo, and there were more than 2,600 posts on Xiaohongshu, totalling 1,544 views.

For this product launch, McDonald’s didn’t choose conventional advertorial-style publicity, instead focusing on platform UGC (user-generated content). The new product was gradually revealed through netizens’ chance encounters and accidental discoveries, creating a sense of mystery and stimulating user interest. This approach encouraged spontaneous participation and enhanced dissemination efficiency.

The “Big V Car” itself is also a striking spectacle. McDonald’s customised a truck with oversized chicken wings that could unfold, even emitting smoke to simulate the baking process, making the wings appear charred and enticing. The “Big V Car” is now touring the country, awaiting discovery by netizens, and dropping off V-wing fans and tens of thousands of V-wing coupons.

In addition, McDonald’s collaborated with DiDi to launch the “V-wing Happy Minibus” campaign. Users can book a ride on the platform for a chance to win a spot on the minibus. The “V-wing Happy Minibus” features McDonald’s iconic red and yellow colour scheme, with interior decorations and pillows shaped like “Big V-wings,” creating a summer scene, perfect for taking photos.

Furthermore, McDonald’s delivery staff have been wearing exclusive “Big V-wing” costumes, as they move through the streets, creating a unique roadside display. A netizen commented, “I thought the giant Big V Car was impressive enough, but I didn’t expect the McDonald’s delivery man to be part of it either. It’s hilarious.”

The term “troll” (整活) has become popular on the internet, referring to exaggerated behaviour used to liven up the atmosphere. Nowadays, brands aiming to impress consumers often struggle to build a fanbase. However, by engaging in lively marketing ideas, brands can better instigate user interaction. McDonald’s has successfully brought the new product “Big V Wings” to widespread attention, injecting fresh vitality into the product.


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